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Clear Mind Meditation Logo. Person meditating in the lotus position.


Hi, I'm Craig.

I live in the North East of England and love to take advantage of the beautiful coast and

countryside on our doorstep which I am super grateful for. I am lucky to have a

wonderful wife and little boy who have been highly supportive and helpful in bringing

Clear Mind Meditation to life. 

I have worked in a high pressured sales environment in the corporate world for the

majority of my working life. On a random Tuesday evening in 2006 during a busy

working week, I got persuaded to attend a Buddhist meditation class with a friend.

My mind was blown.

This was the first time in my life I actually sat down, gave myself some real space and

looked inside. A shift happened. I started attending regular classes and studying

Buddhism, spirituality and meditation and I quickly saw the benefits of bringing

meditation into my daily life.

Our lives have many bumps in the road and our minds are constantly busy, worrying  about the future that hasn't even happened yet (and might not ever happen) or the past that has already happened. Without realising we tend to fill our lives with distractions, such as working harder for a promotion, booking the next holiday, or "retail therapy" which ends up being very short lived (and expensive) therapy.


Meditation gives us the tools to properly handle these bumps in the road and bring a sense of peace and control to our minds. Whilst I still enjoy a good holiday and that dopamine hit from buying something shiny, meditation has allowed me to really change my priorities in life and handle life's situations with a much calmer, peaceful and happier mind.

My mission is to bring meditation to as many people as I can, to help you live a better and more peaceful life. I have studied meditation via various workshops, retreats and study programmes and I have also studied with the British School of Meditation on their externally accredited teacher training programme and qualified with a distinction.


Clear Mind Meditation provides classes in person, online and in the workplace. We also provide a fantastic online community where you can share experiences, ask questions and find out about recommended reading, upcoming classes & events.

Craig on an Ulverston shore

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