Sit down, take a moment, be here, be now.
Our minds are constantly busy. The inner chatter is endless. It gets exhausting, whether we realise it or not. Our minds affect our actions, our health and the quality of our life.
At Clear Mind Meditation, we provide classes in person, online and in the workplace, where you can participate in guided meditation sessions. Our meditations are designed and written specifically for our courses and are suitable for all levels of meditators, from beginners to the enlightened.
The Benefits of regular meditation
Peace and happiness
Better sleep
Improved creativity
Being more positive
Increased focus
Improved health
What is meditation ?

Firstly, you don't need to be on top of a mountain wearing
robes to meditate. The practice is easily accessible by
anybody, anywhere, any time.
There are various definitions of meditation. Buddhists define
meditation as a method of transforming the mind on the path
to enlightenment.
On a more secular (non religious) level, meditation can be
defined as a method of concentration or focus, on anything
which brings us to the present moment. When we are truly in this moment, without
distraction we are at our true nature. The practice is often used to reduce stress, anxiety and achieve an emotionally calm and stable state of being.
The bonus is, we can bring the benefits to our daily lives and really notice a difference in our reactions to life's situations.